Tuesday, October 17

Long Time

It's been a while since I last blogged, and to be quiet honest I'm not entirely wher to start. Let's see....

I'm currently in the middle of a two week 'break' from work. Finished my old job on the 6th October, and start the new one next week, so I'm just at home relaxing and unwinding, recharging the batteries as they say.

The frist weekend was quite a rush, as on the friday I'da taken C to the airport, and then on saturday I went myself. We were in Denmark for the christening of her friends baby, t'was a nice enough ceremony I guess, but well, I'm not a religious person, and add the fact I couldn't understand a thing the priest woman thingy said, well it was a little long and boring. The meal afterwards was nice enough, and gave us a chance to spend some time with C's friends, and their babies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, when you've finished recharging, let us know how the new job works out.