Saturday, December 2


All I seem to be hearing/reading at the moment, is how fed up everyone is with Christmas, why the shops have to shut for Christmas day, why is there so much rubbish on television. Then of course we get to the political correctness gone mad, where schools are banned from having nativity plays or nativity scenes for fear of offending those of other religions. Well, what about our right to celebrate Christian holidays, we do after all, live in a predominantly Christian society, but it’s almost as if that’s a taboo subject these days.

Well, even though I’m not religious, I still look forward to Christmas, to spending time with my family. That to me is what Christmas is all about. Just taking a few days to stop your busy hectic lifestyle, and spend time with your family, your loved ones. Take the time to talk to one another, enjoy the company of people you may not have seen for some time and in some cases may not see again until the following Christmas.

All this about people ‘escaping’ abroad for Christmas, have we as a society as a culture fallen so far that we cannot even stand to be around our friends families anymore, is it so horrible to have to spend just one day of the year with the shops closed. I for one actually enjoy this, can remember as a kid, opening my presents Christmas morning and then going out to play, yes play, with my friends, showing off my new toys, and just having fun on Christmas and Boxing Day. Yet, this year, just as it has been for many years, there will be people who will gladly drag their kids round the shops on Boxing Day, to you I say STOP! Let your kids enjoy this time, let them play with their new toys, their friends, you’ve got 363 other days you can go shopping, just stop for these two days, do nothing for a change, play with your children, spend time with your families, after all Christmas only comes once a year.


Theresa said...


Anonymous said...

Well said T.
And I don't escape for christmas, think of all the free food I would miss! ;-)

Patecatli said...

Aye, the free food is always nice ;-)

Got fed up with listening to people moaning on the train/tube about Christmas, had to have a little 'rant'